

Biology educator, son of a biology educator. Born in Kenya, worked in great schools in Malawi, England, Portugal, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Brazil. I am British, American (USA), and Kenyan. Ex-employee of the Lousiana Department of Environmental Quality. Interested in environmental problems and empowering young people to creatively solve them.

Project-based learning -Wildlife in Rio

Project-based learning is defined by Jay McTigh (Buck institute of Learning) as when “Students work on a project over an extended period of time – from week up to a semester – that engages them in solving a real-world problem…

Adventure begins with trust.

Any adventurous activity is made much safer by the presence of a loyal and trustworthy companion (or two). Rock climbing is no exception. As rock climbing is being re-introduced to the EARJ this year, the student rock climbing president asked…

IB students REACT to research stimulus

Designing your own experiments for the purposes of following an inductive line of enquiry is, well, the heartbeat of modern so called ‘hard science’. IB juniors were challenged this week to create experiments which investigated factors which affect reaction times…