Internal Assessment

The internal assessment aspect of the course involves three principle elements:

1) The attainment of laboratory skills in the completion of either 40 or 60 hours of time involved in a practical scheme of work. This is a requirement of the course, although no grades will be submitted.

2) The Group 4 project, which will involve collaboration with other group 4 subjects (the sciences and mathematics).

3) The IA Individual Investigation, which is worth 20% of the over all grade.

The IA Individual investigation dominates the landscape of the new IB criteria, and a comprehensive guide can be downloaded from the link below.

IB Science IA student guide


An example of a good IA report (with moderators comments)

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Download the attached document showing a bank of experiments from which you can construct and IA Research Question

Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer(3)


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